Posts Tagged ‘Traffic Exchange’

Golden Panda Traffic Exchange sign up bonus and free hits

Golden Panda Traffic is offering a $5.00 sign up bonus until they reach $1,000 members. It looks like a pretty decent traffic exchange from what I can see so far. The only negatives I could see is that they have a long 20 second timer (at least it’s a 1:1 surf ratio though), you have […]

Should you buy traffic from a free traffic Exchange?

We all know that traffic exchanges, no matter how big or small the traffic exchange site may be, do deliver a good source of free quality traffic to your website. In my opinion though, I have had bad experiences buying traffic from traffic exchanges. To buy or not to buy traffic from a free traffic […]

Astrology Surf offers a sign up bonus

Astrology Surf is currently offering a $5.00 sign up bonus until they reach 500 members. On top of the $5.00 sign up bonus, Astrology Surf is also paying their members who spread the word about them $1.00 per active referral. This promotion will continue until they reach 1,000 members. Why join Astrology Surf? 100% free […]

Get free traffic for checking your e-mail

One of the easiest ways to get free traffic to your website is taking advantage of traffic websites that send you credit e-mails. If you are able to take the time to check about 20 e-mails a day from various Safelists, Text Ad Exchanges, and Traffic Exchanges, it can drive the extra free traffic to […]

Get $10.00 from Aim High Traffic when you sign up

Aim High Traffic is a new traffic exchange that offers its members $10.00 when they sign up for free. The thing I like most about Aim High Traffic is that they send you credit e-mails where all you have to do is click they credit link and you’ll receive free hits back to your website […]

Free Pay Per Click Advertising for signing up

I did some searching online and found some pay per click sites that give you free clicks for signing up. You can actually earn around $140.00 in free pay per click advertising to your website if you sign up on all of them. If you’re not familiar with pay per click advertising, I would definitely […]

Poad Team is not a normal Traffic Exchange

The Poad Team Traffic Exchange has a good set up as far as getting traffic to customer’s websites.  It’s rare to see a traffic exchange ask it’s surfers questions about the sites being rotated. I love what the Poad Team Traffic Exchange is doing when it comes to surfing websites. How many other traffic exchanges […]

I Love Hits is a free traffic exchange that provides effective advertising

I Love Hits is one of my favorite traffic exchanges out there. One of the coolest things I like about I Love Hits, and this may sound odd, but they also send me a postcard after I purchase advertising with them. The postcard is just a simple thanks for my business, but it really means […]