Increase your income with a home-based business

The first thing I want to cover for increasing your revenue is going over the tax benefits you get for owning your own online business. This is mainly for United States Citizens only. I am not a tax specialist or advisor, but I do want to make sure you know what you can deduct so every dollar you make is fully yours. (Consult a tax specialist for exact deductions and counsel). Comments on tax benefits of a home-based business.
So this is how it works in a nutshell, you spend $30.00 in advertising at Clixsense to advertise a certain website where you will get $10.00 for every free person you sign up. After your 3,000 clicks in advertising has finished you ended up referring 6 people! You made $60.00, that's great! But you spent $30.00 in advertising to get those 6 people. So you can write off the $30.00 in advertising against the $60.00 in profit. So at the end only $30.00 will be taxable income.
So let's quickly go over what else you can write off against the income you make online:
- Communication expenses - your phone to call prospects whether it is a home phone or a cell phone - your internet connection bill, faxing fees. If you use a 1-800 phone number, it can be written off.
- Business meals/entertainment - if you take your prospect to a restaurant to sell your product to them and buy yourself and them coffee, up to 50% of that can be a write off. If you host a party for your clients and pay for everything, up to 50% of that can be written off.
- Home office repair - you should designate one room in your house to be your home office (whatever the square footage of that room to the rest of your house can be deducted). If you fix something in your actual home office it is a 100% deductible. If you paint your house and your home office is 10% of your entire home - 10% of your painting cost can be written off.
- Travel expenses - you drive somewhere to meet a prospect, keep track of your mileage. You have to pay $3.00 toll to get somewhere to meet your prospect or you have to pay for parking to meet your prospect. This is a business travel expense.
- Professional services/fees - you have to get your taxes done every year. You pay a CPA to do this and it costs you $200, which can be written off against your income. Let's say you pay a bank fee to get your online income sent to you. That can be written off even if it is only a 45 cent fee.
- Business education - if you take a class online to learn about making money online and pay $20, it can be written off. If you buy a book on online marketing and it costs $15.00, this can be written off.
- Advertising expenses - You spend $19.10 for 1,000 clicks with, this can be written off. You pay for an ad in a magazine or newspaper, this can be written off. Your auto responder with Get Response can be written off because you need it to advertise your business.
- Utility expenses - Once again this will be whatever the percentage of your home office square footage is to the rest of your home. It includes your, security system, electricity, sewage, gas, water, and waste management bills. For example, if you pay $30.00/mo for your home security system, $3.00 of that can be written off if your home office equals 10% of your home.
- Office expenses - this includes: paper, ink, pens, pencils, printer, scanner, etc.. Whatever you need for office supplies to run your business smoothly!
- Membership expenses - For example, I am a member of Global NPN, it costs me $10.75/mo to be an affiliate with them. I can actually write that off as an expense. If I wasn't a paying member I could not make money with this Company.
- Postage expenses - you need to mail an application to a prospect, this cost you money, it is a business expense. You need to send materials to a client of yours, it is a write off.
Setting up Google Adsense and Adbrite campaigns
Adding Google Adsense to your website can also increase revenue from your website. The way Google Adsense works is Advertisers pay Google to get targeted hits to the websites they are advertising. Google uses your website as real estate online to be able to post those ads on your site. So let's say your site gets over an average of 1000 hits a day, out of those hits 10 people click on the Google ads on your site. Google will then compensate you for those clicks, whether or not a sale was made. This is the easiest money you'll ever make!
Get over $1,000 in free signup bonuses and over 1 million in free visitors
Here is my main sign up bonus page which was specifically designed to help you make free money online. In fact, you can actually make over $1,000 in free signup bonuses by signing up with these websites. There are so many business opportunities out there that cost you money to signup with them. That is why I wanted to offer this website to show you the free sites that you are able to sign up with and not take any money out of your pocket!
Free affiliate sites to work with that will increase revenue from your site
Something else you will want to add to your website is affiliate networking sites. These are all free to become an affiliate with and usually pay you for getting free leads and more for prospects that actually buy the product you are advertising. Some affiliate networks I am a member of include:
Their are other great affiliate sites out their, but these are good enough to get you started. Add their banners and links to your website and it will greatly increase the revenue your website brings in! When visiting these sites, look for the word Affiliates, which is where you want to sign up.
To prove that these free affiliate networks really do pay their affiliates, you can check out the payment proofs of a couple of them. View the Max Bounty payment proof and Perfect Paycheck payment proof. You really can't lose with these great affiliate networks.
Personal Self-Development will always increase income to you and your website
One important aspect of any business is to make sure you are always building your self development skills. What do I mean by this? You need to have self confidence to run a business, even an online business. So what should you do? There are books to read on success, financial education, and positive thinking. You can listen to audio tapes on how to sell, investing, online marketing, attend seminars and training events on different financial subjects, etc... The list goes on and on. I just want to make sure that you are aware that your financial education is a must for success. Whatever your desire is, that is what you should be working to grow in. Invest in your financial education. Below I recommend some products that have helped me develop and grow financially. I want to offer the same materials to you as well.