Clicks Vista and Quids Corner both pay to sign up

Found a couple more sign up bonus sites. I would like to personally thank Gordon for introducing Clicks Vista to Signupandmakemoney. His affiliate link is used both in this blog post and at the main sign up bonus list. After visiting Clicks Vista, I was lucky enough to find yet another sign up bonus site entitled Quids Corner. I know it’s an odd name, but it still has potential for some free income earning possibilities.

Let’s get started, shall we.

Clicks VistaClicks Vista is free to join, they offer a 25 cent sign up bonus. Unfortunately, it looks like Clicks Vista is only accepting members from the United States and Canada. If you are from another Country, they will oddly refer you to Quids Corner. This shows me that both sites are probably owned by the same individual or entity.

Clicks Vista claims to be a paid to read, paid to click, paid to sign up, and last but not least, a cash back shopping site. That seems to be a lot of ways to earn, but we’ll only know by giving it a try.

Quids CornerQuids Corner offers a sign up bonus, but they don’t promote that on their sign up page. You can actually get a 25 cent sign up bonus as well by joining Quids Corner. I find that to be quite odd. After I signed up, thankfully the sign up bonus was deposited without any delay.

Quids Corner claims to be a paid to read email site as well as a cash back shopping site. If you know much about me, I’m not really too big into cash back shopping sites. This is mainly due to me not being a big shopper. I mean, in order to get cash back, you got to spend the cash first. You have to realize that this is not very easy for penny pinchers to do.

Both sign up bonus sites look to have a Blog and Forum attached to them. If anything else, these two sites may be simply a good way for you to network what you currently got going on at the moment.


  1. fanzhijun says:

    about love and life

  2. Is this for real? Or just another scam? Why don’t you look for a reliable source of good job just like has to offer.

  3. This is a very good post, but I was wondering how do I suscribe to the RSS feed?

  4. Click the link to be taken to the blog feed.

  5. Brianna says:

    Awesome post.